We Must Strive for Fair Elections - Voices For Democracy

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BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir stated, “I am giving time to the caretaker government, but how long? We will provide time until a reasonable and fair election can be conducted.” He emphasized, “I do not wish to see political disengagement, the minus two approach, or extremism; I want to see liberal democracy.”

Speaking at a teachers’ gathering at the Engineers’ Institute in the capital on Saturday (October 5), Mirza Fakhrul remarked that significant changes in the country have come at the cost of many lives, but for those changes to be sustainable, political unity among parties is essential.

He noted, “People are now coming forward with various demands against the government. However, those who previously sold land to pay MPs for jobs must realize that if they do not bring about change, the nation will be deeply disappointed.”

Addressing the party members, he said, “BNP has not yet come to power; therefore, we must remain united.”

He also pointed out the weaknesses in the education system and raised concerns against the current government, stating, “We must eradicate the specter of corruption. We have succeeded before; we will succeed again.” BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia is currently unwell and attempts are being made to take her outside for treatment.

Published On: 10.03.2024, 1:00 PM| News Portal: Jamuna Tv|  Source: Link

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