British Observer Compares Bangladesh’s Election System to North Korea -

TR2 (4)
I Found the North Korea Model Here: British observer : Jez Coulson

Jez Coulson, a British observer who came to observe the 12th National Parliament election at the invitation and management of the government, commented that there is a democratic system of the North Korea model in Bangladesh. He said I found the North Korea model here. He made this comment in a private interview with Bangla Outlook at Dhaka Reporters Unity Square on Sunday afternoon.

Photo Source-Pinaki Bhattacharya
Photo Source-Pinaki Bhattacharya
Photo Source-Pinaki Bhattacharya
Underage voters have been caught on camera. Photo Courtesy – Pinaki Bhattacharya

He said, This is my first time in Bangladesh for observe the national elections. I visited 8 polling stations in the capital Dhaka all day. A reckless movement of youth around the center. Whenever they get to talk to me in many places they surrounded me. I asked them to know whether you are a voter or not? Where is the voter identification mark in your hand? They couldn’t show me that sign. I saw many children voting here for the first time in their lives. This is very interesting. ‘

News Source- Bangla Outlook Link

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