Bangladeshi Students Protest at Indian Embassy in Berlin - Voices For Democracy


Demonstration in Berlin, Germany: Bangladeshi Students Protest in Front of Indian Embassy Against False Rumors Spread by Indian Media.

After the student revolution on 05th August 2024, the Indian media spread a lot of false propaganda against Bangladesh. Several fact-checking organizations have identified these claims as rumors and published their findings. A few of them are:

Rumor Scanner identified an account called @MohanGowda_HJS that used a 2018 picture to create false propaganda.

These girls were the ones who clashed with students alongside Awami police in July 2024. As a consequence, the general student body taught these girls a lesson without causing any physical harm. However, the “Godi Media” escalated the situation with the hashtag “Hindus Are Not Safe.”

Even a 2021 silent protest for self-awareness by the Jagannath University Drama Organization was misused as an image of Hindu persecution.

Godi Media falsely presented a restaurant as a Hindu temple.

The most outrageous false claim was that the house of Bangladeshi Hindu cricketer Liton Das was set on fire, which was actually the house of Awami MP Mashrafe in Narail.

The most active religious figure, Baba Banaras, led the spread of this false news, as proved by Rumor Scanner.

They even altered the identity of a Muslim dead body to claim it was Hindu. How absurd!

Bangladeshi students and professionals in Germany protested against these rumors in front of the Indian Embassy in Berlin, demanding an end to such falsehoods.

Bangladeshi Students and Professionals in Berlin

One of the organizers, MD Abdullah Al Noman, spoke to VFD, stating…

Dear All, As you all know, Bangladesh has been freed from the tyrannical rule of Sheikh Hasina, who went on a murderous rampage against the Bangladeshi population. Bangladeshi students, supported by the entire nation, ousted this tyrant. However, when everyone was feeling a sense of relief, the Indian government, which initially helped Hasina destroy Bangladesh, began to intervene heavily within our country. Moreover, they used fake news and propaganda to incite communal violence. Bangladesh is a country of tolerance and acceptance. We do not parade women naked for being from a different tribe, nor do we beat people to death for carrying beef. In Bangladesh, we protect each other. Muslim preachers across the country protected temples and helped apprehend many of Hasina’s goons who tried to attack minorities. Their goal was to destroy the religious harmony that exists in our nation. But we, the people of Bangladesh, will not let anyone destroy our harmony, nor will we harbor the killer and tyrant dictator Hasina. We call upon India to correct itself and respect the sovereignty of Bangladesh. The communal nature of India’s plan will not succeed. We are not like Modi or the RSS. We demand that India hand over Hasina to show their regret for their actions. We demand that you let go of your communal nature. If not, we will continue to expose your crimes to the world. Hands off Bangladesh!


India must stop interfering in Bangladesh’s internal affairs. They must cease standing against the people of Bangladesh and stop facilitating the tyrannical regime of Hasina. The malicious propaganda campaign must end. To this day, India continues to commit atrocities at our borders. The killers of Felani have yet to face justice. Our efforts will persist in exposing India’s criminal intentions. I warn the Indian authorities to reflect on their actions and rectify their behavior. We do not parade women naked, nor do we allow divisions based on religious differences; instead, we protect each other. Keep your propaganda to yourself.

#HindusAreSafeInBangladesh  #hasinaworsethanhitler  #hasinamuststepdown

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We pledge to continue our fight for democracy and human rights until the voices of the people are heard and their aspirations are fulfilled.





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