Dhaka Court Detains Aminul Haque and Three

Dhaka North BNP Member Secretary Aminul Haque and three others were arrested on 02.11.2023 from Mr. Haque's own house at midnight.

The arrests were made by plainclothes detectives.

BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Advocate Ruhul Kabir Rizvi strongly condemned and protested. He has alleged that the arrests are politically motivated.

Aminul Haque and three others were presented before the court on Thursday afternoon under tight security. Police had sought a 10-day remand for them. BNP-affiliated lawyers argued for their bail. After hearing the arguments, the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Nurul Huda Chowdhury granted them an eight-day remand.


Source- Facebook Post

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Upholding Democracy and Promoting Human Rights

We, the pro-democracy activists from the BNP’s JCD Private University Student Wing, stand as a unified voice against autocracy and for the unwavering principles of democracy and human rights in Bangladesh. We envision a Bangladesh where the rule of law prevails, where the judiciary is independent, and where the media is free and unfettered.

We pledge to continue our fight for democracy and human rights until the voices of the people are heard and their aspirations are fulfilled.




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