Enforced Disappearance in broad daylight of BNP Student Leader

Bangladesh Nationalist Chhatra Dal, Dhaka Metropolitan East Member Secretary – Md. Al-Amin was abducted by the white-cloth law enforcement agency in front of Globe Residence on 08.11.2023 from Rajarbagh Road.

In a brazen act of intimidation and suppression of dissent, a BNP student leader has disappeared without a trace in broad daylight. This shocking incident has sent shockwaves through the nation, igniting a wave of outrage and demands for immediate action.

We vehemently condemn this egregious violation of fundamental human rights. The enforced disappearance of individuals is a crime against humanity and cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

The international community must not remain silent in the face of such human rights abuses. We call on the United Nations and all concerned organizations to take immediate action to investigate this incident and ensure the safe return of the abducted student leader.

The family of the student leader is understandably distraught and deserves answers. We stand in solidarity with them and all those fighting for justice and democracy in Bangladesh.

#EnforcedDisappearance #HumanRightsAbuses #JusticeForBNPStudentLeader #Bangladesh #StepDownHasina #TakeBackBangaldesh


Source >>> BNP JCD Press Release

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Upholding Democracy and Promoting Human Rights

We, the pro-democracy activists from the BNP’s JCD Private University Student Wing, stand as a unified voice against autocracy and for the unwavering principles of democracy and human rights in Bangladesh. We envision a Bangladesh where the rule of law prevails, where the judiciary is independent, and where the media is free and unfettered.

We pledge to continue our fight for democracy and human rights until the voices of the people are heard and their aspirations are fulfilled.




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