Police Vehicle Rammed Into a Student Procession in Dhaka - Voices For Democracy

Khaleda (4)
On November 9, 2023, a police vehicle rammed into a student procession during a blockade day in Dhaka, injuring several students.

The students were protesting peacefully in support of a blockade called by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) to demand the resignation government’s resignation. The police vehicle rammed into the procession from behind, and the injured were taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for treatment.

We condemn the attack on the student procession in the strongest possible terms. This is a clear violation of the student’s right to peaceful protest. We demand that the government of Bangladesh conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and hold those responsible accountable.

The attack on the student procession is a bad omen for democracy in Bangladesh. It is a sign that the government is increasingly intolerant of dissent and is willing to use violence to suppress it. We urge the government of Bangladesh to respect human rights and allow for peaceful protests.

This incident is a reminder of the importance of protecting democracy and human rights. We must stand up against all attempts to silence dissent and suppress the right to peaceful protest.

#StepdownHasina #TakeBackBangladesh #FreeHorayra

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Upholding Democracy and Promoting Human Rights

We, the pro-democracy activists from the BNP’s JCD Private University Student Wing, stand as a unified voice against autocracy and for the unwavering principles of democracy and human rights in Bangladesh. We envision a Bangladesh where the rule of law prevails, where the judiciary is independent, and where the media is free and unfettered.

We pledge to continue our fight for democracy and human rights until the voices of the people are heard and their aspirations are fulfilled.




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