
December 21, 2023

On November 5, 2023, Amanullah Aman, Joint Secretary General of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Student Wing and former Secretary of the Dhaka University Student Wing was picked up by members of the Detective Branch (DB) of the police while he was preparing for a procession in Dhanmondi.

December 21, 2023

On November 9, 2023, a police vehicle rammed into a student procession during a blockade day in Dhaka, injuring several students.

December 21, 2023

Holding trial inside the jail is a blatant violation of the constitution and human rights

December 19, 2023

A meritorious student from World University Dhaka Bangladesh, Nur Mawla Tuhin Chowdhury, was subjected to a brutal physical assault by alleged members of the Chaatra League- a student wing of the ruling party, before being unjustly arrested by the police.

December 18, 2023

Bangladesh Nationalist Chhatra Dal, Dhaka Metropolitan East Member Secretary – Md. Al-Amin was abducted by the white-cloth law enforcement agency in front of Globe Residence on 08.11.2023 from Rajarbagh Road.

About us

Upholding Democracy and Promoting Human Rights

We, the pro-democracy activists from the BNP’s JCD Private University Student Wing, stand as a unified voice against autocracy and for the unwavering principles of democracy and human rights in Bangladesh. We envision a Bangladesh where the rule of law prevails, where the judiciary is independent, and where the media is free and unfettered.

We pledge to continue our fight for democracy and human rights until the voices of the people are heard and their aspirations are fulfilled.




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